Adam Kokesh - Now Playing:

Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)
Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)
Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)
Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)
Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)
Dont throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)

Don't throw your vote away! (the lesser evil trap)

AdamKokesh - 2016-07-15

Addressing the trap of voting for the presidential candidate that you think is in your best short term interest. Which evil is lesser? Which should you support? Should you invest in your fears/short term interests, or the future of ethics and freedom in the country? Freedom is a revolution and an evolution of the mind. This revolution of love, self-ownership, and non-violence is built one brick at a time, one FREED mind at a time. Join and support me in this effort of freeing minds and freeing ourselves. -Support my activism at -The book is free at -For future events concerning the campaign and my activism, take a look at and