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David Icke: "Americans Might Not Survive What’s Coming in 2025..."

Finance Log - 2024-06-28

With almost all other central banks researching, developing, or launching centrally controlled digital versions of their fiat currencies, there has been speculation that the United States Federal Reserve is next on the list. When the FedNow Service went live last July, many speculated that it was a precursor to the eventual digitization of the US dollar and the complete subjugation of the American populace. Experts like popular bullion dealer Andy Schectman and renowned investigative journalist Whitney Webb warned that there are ongoing efforts to launch a dollar-based CBDC, which will then be used to censor, control, and punish Americans who dare to refuse the mainstream narrative. According to Whitney, the CBDC will not be controlled by the Federal Reserve or any other governmental agency but by the global cabal that controls the banking sector. We bring you the latest news, insights, and analysis on gold, silver, and copper. Our videos cover a wide range of topics, including gold price, gold prediction, gold price forecast, silver price, silver price prediction, copper price, market trends, investment strategies, and industry news. We share interviews from experts like Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Mike Maloney, Lynette Zang, and many others. Stay up-to-date with the world of finance and make informed decisions with our expert insights. Subscribe now and never miss a video! #gold #goldpriceprediction #davidicke